Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tips For Creating Strong Provider/Consumer Relationships

Matt Queen
Communications Manager

Looking back, we needed to get out of the office.

Too often, customer interaction began with a phone call from our consumers. We would answer their questions and resolve their issues. And then the call would end. We crossed our fingers and hoped we made a positive connection.

The realization was clear. We needed to create real relationships with the people we serve.

In 2012, we started hosting outreach events throughout Wisconsin. These events bring consumers and our staff together. We talk and get to know each other. We listen to consumers’ issues, understand their situations, and learn how we can better support them.

Our outreach events not only put a face with the iLIFE name, but also provide helpful resources to consumers navigating their way through long-term care programs. During the events, we educate consumers on topics such as budget authority, employer authority and self-direction.

The success of these events has led to the development of these outreach initiatives:
  • Resource guides to help participants in long-term care programs
  • Full-time staff members designated to specific service areas
  • Consumer surveys to let us know what can be improved
Strong relationships between service providers and consumers are vital to effective financial management services.  Having a successful outreach plan involves, educates, and connects consumers to your organization.

Check out our outreach events on the iLIFE Facebook page.
Follow iLIFE on LinkedIn.

1 comment:

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