Friday, December 19, 2014

2015: The Promise of Person-Centered Planning

Gerianne Prom
VP, Long Term Care Services

Throughout 2014, we saw increasing attention to the person-centered planning and self-direction requirements of the Affordable Care Act.  HCBS programs received guidance documents from a number of sources.  For many programs, these documents validated and further inspired the person-centered approaches already at the heart of their programs.  For others, they served as a wake-up call to let go of former practices and evolve their thinking and methodology.

As we enter 2015, we have an opportunity within our organizations and communities to build on the promise of person-centered approaches.  To make it possible for persons with disabilities to make real their meaningful life in their community.  To foster the realization of human potential.

The beginning of the year is an excellent time to recommit as professionals, as organizations, and as leaders to examine and evolve our best practices.  Some of the questions I’m asking to prepare for the year ahead are:
  • What can we do to further the culture of partnership, respect, and trust we build with the people we serve and the people important to them?
  • Are our practices empowering person-driven plans?
  • What are the staff development needs?
  • What are the mentoring and coaching opportunities?
  • What can we do to further community building and engagement?
  • What can we do to eliminate disparities?

The new year is a time for fresh inspiration and renewed commitment.  What are you looking forward to?  

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