Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Embracing Technology

Todd Breaker
iLIFE Participant Liaison

Confusing.  Exhausting.  Time-consuming.

For people that self-direct their support services, paperwork and administrative duties can bring out these feelings.  However, there is another solution.  Technology offers quick and accurate ways to get these tasks done.

One of the ways iLIFE uses technology to help the people we serve is offering online timesheets.  Caregivers submit their timesheets online for approval by their participant employer.  Caregivers get paid timely and accurately without having to fax, mail, or email paperwork.

Sounds easy, right?

When I tell people about this resource, the common response I get is that they are not good with computers.  These are sincere feelings from our participants that I always respect.  The reality is they face other barriers to technology, as well, including limited internet access, high costs for home internet service, or not owning a computer.

Despite these hurdles, there are also success stories.  One example is from a caregiver that had issues with time cards every month.  After they and their employer signed up for online timesheets, this person came to my office and thanked me.  This tech tool helped make their life easier.

I have heard from many participants that self-direct and use online timesheets who never want to see a paper time card ever again. Embracing technology can help participants and their caregivers achieve success through self-directing programs.

So, how can we encourage people to start using technology?  Start a conversation with the people you serve.  Teach, listen, and learn.  It is important to keep in mind we have to offer many different options and allow people to use the methods that work best for them.

Because ultimately, as financial management service providers, we want these emotions to come through:

Timely. Accurate. Trusted.

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